About us
Protrol Engineering AB was established in 2002 and is a private, independent consulting company, within the electric power and automation technology. The company currently has around 15 employees with a high level of education, Ph.D. and M.Sc., and long experience from work within Power Engineering. Protrol’s consultants offer engineering and expert services within the field of electric power systems. With a broad competence base, services are offered in several areas, including power system analysis, relay protection, generation, HVDC and electricity distribution.
Protrol’s experts have their background in power systems, electrical machines, power electronics or control systems. This includes expertise in analysis, modelling, simulations and control of power systems and its components. The engineers are advanced users of PSS/E, Power Factory, PSCAD, Matlab/Simulink and Python and have also long experience of testing power stations.
- Välkommen NicolásNicolás Carrasco började hos oss 1 april 2024 och kommer närmast från Enercon där han arbetade som Grid Integration Engineer med ansvar bland annat för uppfyllande av nätanslutningskrav för vindturbiner. Han har tidigare även arbetat som konsult inom kraftsystemanalys samt som driftoperatör inom elnätsdrift. Vi välkomnar honom till Protrol Engineering där han kommer att stärka … Continue reading Välkommen Nicolás
- Kurs i spänningsstabilitet och spänningskollapsUpptäck en spännande kurs om Spänningsstabilitet och spänningskollaps, som presenteras i samarbete med Chalmers och Högskolan Väst. Mellan den 3-5 juni kommer våra erfarna medarbetare Evert Agneholm och Lena Max, tillsammans med Daniel Karlsson och Massimo Bongiorno från Chalmers, att guida dig genom en djupdykning i kraftsystemets stabilitet i ljuset av den pågående energiomställningen. Kursen … Continue reading Kurs i spänningsstabilitet och spänningskollaps
- Vi välkomnar JonasVi välkomnar Jonas Olsson till vårt team! Jonas började hos oss den 1 december och kommer med lång erfarenhet från elkraftsbranschen; senast som projektledare och gruppchef på Ringhals, innan dess som konsult inom kraftsystemanalys. Välkommen till Protrol Engineering!
- Välkommen SaraVi välkomnar Sara Bengtsson som börjar hos oss den 3 oktober. Sara är en erfaren kraftsystemanalytiker som bland annat har jobbat med överensstämmelsesimuleringar, nätstudier och anläggningsprovning, vilket hon också kommer fortsätta göra hos oss. Välkommen till Protrol Engineering!
- Elkraftdagen 2022Last Wednesday (30/3 – 2022), the student fair Elkraftdagen 2022 held place at Chalmers University, and Protrol Engineering participated as an exhibitor to show the future electric power engineers who we are and what we do. It was lots of fun talking to other players in the electric power industry and especially the curious students, … Continue reading Elkraftdagen 2022
Power System Analysis
We offer static and dynamic power system studies on several topics, such as:
- Load flow and short-circuit calculations
- Contingency analysis
- PV and QV analysis
- Frequency stability
- Transient and voltage stability
- Modelling of power system and components
- Insulation coordination studies (lightning and switching studies)
- Series compensation
- Sub-synchronous resonance
- HVDC and FACTS dynamic performance studies
Power Plant Studies
Protrol performs studies for all types of power plants such as combined heat and power, hydro, wind turbines, nuclear and PV.
- Grid code compliance
- Transient stability and low-voltage ride through
- Protection studies
- Power quality and harmonics. Filter design.
- Motor start
- Modelling of power plants and power plant components.
Validation of power plant performance
Validation of the power plant performance primarily comprises testing of governor and excitation system response. Protrol has elaborated a state-of-the-art plant test equipment based on in-house developed hardware and software with validated performance from both laboratory testbench setups and on-site tests. The test method supports both open-loop and closed-loop verification of controllers and equipment.
- Frequency control.
- Voltage control.
- Island operation test (using hardware in the loop simulations)
- Validation of simulation models.
- Compliance testing in regards to RfG requirements
- Pre-qualification tests for ancillary services (FCR-N/D, FFR, FRR, etc)
For general enquiries, please contact us on info@proe.se or +46 31 352 51 00.
Invididual consultants are reached by email using the format forename.surname@proe.se

Gustav Holmquist
Managing Director
Principal Engineer
+46 734 12 28 84

Jonas Olsson
dep. Managing Director
Principal Engineer
+46 708 84 45 25

Evert Agneholm
Senior Principal Engineer
+46 732 49 89 20

Sara Bengtsson
Principal Engineer
+46 725 12 26 39

Nicolás Carrasco
Senior Engineer
+46 763 08 60 96

David Emanuelsson
+46 708 71 32 94

Stefan Enberg
Principal Engineer
+46 70 620 65 00

Pehr Hjalmarsson
Principal Engineer
+46 702 09 94 42

Gunnar Krebs
Senior Engineer
+46 724 01 82 54

Michael Lindgren
Principal Engineer
+46 706 08 66 83

Magnus Loenheim
Principal Engineer
+46 730 69 09 00

Lena Max
Principal Engineer
+46 705 65 84 55

Jesper Nilsson
+46 707 20 90 94

Thomas Nordlander
Principal Engineer
+46 736 67 64 20

Johan Olson
+46 738 44 24 25

Andreas Petersson
Principal Engineer
+46 730 49 29 00